Saturday, April 18, 2009

Minday April 20, 2009

Minday Morning News

Top News Stories

Horrible News:
Pirate attacks, the failing economy, suicide bombs, wars, and bad people doing bad things, continued this week. What I don't understand is why America has to get involved in everything. America is not superman, it can't put on tight shiny spandex and a cape and cure the world of everything. I understand helping out if something is like really bad but at what cost. America is huge, we should take care of the needs of our people first. Fix our government before fixing other governments. Get America's HIV/AIDS under control then go and help other countries. I guess I fear that the principle of Pride coming before the fall, may occur. In histories past, proud nations had a less then desirable ending. I guess I should learn to farm and teach my children so that if the unthinkable occurs we can at least grow food to eat.

Lighter News:
Solar Activity Continues:
This past week the sun had remained to shine brightly in our skies. The rising and setting of the sun remained to follow the times set in the Farmer's Almanac. I know it comes as a shock to the world that the sun is a constant that is unchanging. Conlin Rinehimer, a five year veteran in life, said "I like to see the sun, because it is bright."

Earth Day
Earth day is Thursday this week. It is time to get out of the house and off your butts. Get grilling, hiking, or just go and stare up at the stars for 10 minutes or stop and stare at the ground for 5 minutes. You may get grossed out when you see how many bugs are crawling through the grass but you may find it really interesting too. If you are feeling really crazy get out and plant a plant!

A new Spongebob episode aired Friday night with Johnny Depp. Pretty Funny!
Also, Zach Efron is in a new movie that came out. Yes I said it, Zach Efron!!! Oh Troy!! But actually I think the movie 17 Again will be fun. Good cast and classic movie plot, it's like there is nothing new under the sun. Let's review similar movies: 18 Again (George Burns 1988), Freaky Friday(1976)(1995)(2003), Switch, Vice Versa, Like Father Like Son, and the Hot Chick to name a few.

Ha Ha, just kidding. We all know I have no knowledge of sports and lack any attention to watch, follow or understand them. Maybe it is due to my incredibly uncompetitive qualities.

Word of the Day:
1. of, pertaining to, or resembling twilight; dim; indistinct.
2. Zoology. appearing or active in the twilight, as certain bats and insects.

1660–70; crepuscule + -ar 1 Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009.

Quote of the Day

A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. i found out a pretty fun fact today that I thought could add to you first story. 3.14% of all sailors are Pi Rates.
